Meet Rich
The one himself.
In: Curiousities

Sometimes, it's hard to know where to find me. Even for myself. So here's an up-to-date list of some of my creative efforts and content productions.

If you are looking for contact info, check out

First things first

You need to subscribe here.👇 This is where once in a while I share a meaty article with some "fresh from the RichStone lands happenings" in the beginning of the newsletter which you can only read there as a subscriber.


  • updated (17/01/25)
  • updated (02/02/25)

🛠 Building your BusinessOS API platform at ClickFunnels. (having tons of fun building and seeing customers making more money and doing useful things with our API ecosystem)

👨🏻‍🏫 Helping 100 developreneurs and indie hackers to kickstart their app with marketing in mind. (main program: MFBOSS)

  • 1 student in progress (building his Challenges app).
  • 2 product tandems started (as of 2nd of February).

🕹️ Building an open-source social games SaaS app on Bullet Train and the ClickFunnels API to show you how to build your app marketing first and delegate the user management to a 3rd party BusinessOS API. (Definition of done: TBD)

📜 Tweaking Rails gems to auto-generate the perfect OpenAPI schema for Rails projects. (Definition of done: OpenAPI is auto-generated seamlessly in Rails projects, or DHH tells me that OpenAPI will never make it into Rails)

🔎🧑‍💻🧑‍💻 Looking for Tandem Rails Coding buddies on our side projects: Apply Here. (Do 1-2 tandems on one of the projects above)

(coming soon) 🎙️ Chatting about all this on a "Rails Apps And APIs" Podcast Show.

It looks like a lot, but I'm chipping at them bit by bit and many of them are highly intertwined, so don't worry about me. 😅

Conference talks

"A Picture is Worth a 1000 Lines of Code" - RailsConf 2023

The talk is available on YouTube:

Get your visual brain activated 🎨


Writing and Visualizing ✍️ 🎨

🎉 The source of truth of my content is, you are already here 🎉

I might be occasionally cross-posting to other platforms, but here is the up-to-date original stuff.


Past tech blogs:

My ancient German poker blog from my times as a poker-pro kid:

Podcasts 🎙️

I co-hosted the Curious Coders Chronicles with to interview ourselves and the industry's curious minds about all the incredible things that are going on in the software engineering industry.

Appearances on other podcasts:

Meetups and Events 🏟️

I'm was organizing a local meetup in Barcelona for people to chat about Ruby, Rails, getting unstuck in their projects, and preparing themselves for their overall tech challenges:


Active in Communities 👯

With more and less active periods:

  • RailsLink Slack.
  • Founder Hub (Discord).
  • ClickFunnels Facebook and their native community.
  • Reddit: r/ruby, r/rubyonrails.
  • Sometimes on X and LinkedIn.

Office hours 🗃️

I sometimes have office hours with various topics and times scattered throughout my blog posts. Check if there is one active here:

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