Ruby Heroku alternatives for Rails projects: Deploying my shit to I like to develop production projects and side projects as deployment-driven as possible. Over the years I had tons of Rich Steinmetz Oct 23, 2022 4 min read
Ruby Why do we call it Ruby and Rails Magic? There is good and bad magic, enchanting and destructive. But do we need the "magic" term at all? Why do we use it and what mindset does it create? Rich Steinmetz Jun 1, 2022 7 min read
Ruby How does yield work in application.html.erb You'll encounter this in new Rails apps inside your application.html.erb: <body> <main> Rich Steinmetz May 25, 2022 5 min read
Success Stories Things you can and cannot do Recently, my new company WebinarGeek forced me to do a webinar about myself. Actually, you could choose any topic, but Rich Steinmetz Feb 13, 2022 2 min read
Ruby Ruby Open Source Projects For Beginners Open-source is the greatest opportunity to gather real-world experience while you are still on your journey of getting into the industry. Rich Steinmetz Nov 26, 2021 5 min read
Career Tips 3 Phases For How To Get A Job As A Web Developer By REAL Example We'll see 3 phases that I just made up while looking back and recalling his journey. They are intertwined, but the time investment usually crucially shifts in one direction once a new phase really starts. Rich Steinmetz Nov 21, 2021 8 min read